My Latest Golf Adventure: Lake Shastina Golf Resort

Today’s post is about a good old fashion golf adventure to Lake Shastina Golf Resort.

Yreka, California

On Saturday, my brother and I made a last minute decision to play golf and it turned out to be one of the most fun rounds I have played in quite some time. 

We were in Yreka, California for a wedding and had a lot of time to kill before the ceremony started at 5 o’clock. We searched Apple Maps for a course to play and came across Lake Shastina Golf Resort.  

You’re probably asking yourself, where the hell is Yreka, California?

Yreka, California is a small town in the the north part of the state of California. It sits about a half hour south of the Oregon border. To get to Yreka, we flew in to Medford, Oregon and drove about an hour south. 

With no plans to play golf, I had not packed any of the necessary items you need to play. No polo shirt, no golf shoes, and no golf clubs. 

What I did have was a can do attitude. 

Golf or Bust

Do you ever get into one of those modes where you won’t take no for an answer? That was the mode I was in on Saturday. 

Before our 10:50 tee time, my brother and I made a quick pit stop at Walmart. I bought a dozen refurbished Pro V1x golf balls, a polo shirt, a pair of women’s running shoes, and a box of donuts for just under seventy bucks.  

Big dogs gotta eat. 

In my freshly purchased digs, my brother and I headed over to the course for our tee time. 

When we got to the course they had 20 year old rental sets for us to use. I had not rented golf clubs in 10 years before Saturday, but again, I was in that mindset where they could have handed me thirteen rakes and a shovel and I would have been excited.

Deciding to play golf in Yreka, California while being completed unprepared turned out to be a great decision. We had an absolute blast on the course on Saturday. The course had a great variety of holes and a very scenic surrounding area. Here are a few photos from the day:

Golf is Supposed to be Fun

The round at Lake Shastina Golf Resort was a great reminder of what the game is all about. It made me realize how caught up I am in all the wrongs things. In its simplest form, golf is an avenue to create memories. Everything else is just icing on the cake. 

Saturday’s round reminded me to not take the game so seriously. I shot 83 with no birdies (not so good for this brand) and had the time of my life. I get so caught up in making everything perfect that I sometimes forget that golf is supposed to be fun.

Props too my brother Kory for forcing the issue and getting me to go play. In my normal head space, there is not a shot I would go play golf on some random golf course with someones else’s clubs. But, Saturday turned out great and I’m glad I went. 

Sometimes, the last minute plan, turns out to be the best plan. Other times, you fall flat on your face. Saturday, was definitely the former.

Minus, the no birdies part!

Until next time,

Enjoy the chase!