First and foremost, welcome to The Chasing Birdies Book Club.
As you might have already gathered from my previous posts, I am a bit golf obsessed. That obsession has lead me to read just about anything that I think will help me with my golf game. And I figured, if you are going to spend time reading my nonsense, then you might want to read about golf from some real professionals.
With that being said, here are the first two books I would like to recommend for your golf game. This week, were going to get your mind right. Let’s dive in.
Book #1: Golf is Not a Game of Perfect – Bob Rotella

Ever feel like your getting in your own way on the golf course? Like, you cant quiet your mind for two seconds to hit a quality golf shot?
Ya, me too.
If you are looking to unlock your true potential on the golf course, then I highly suggest that you get acquainted with Dr. Bob. Dr. Bob Rotella has written numerous books about the mental side of golf and the psychology of high performance. My favorite of his collection is Golf Is Not A Game of Perfect.
In this book, Dr. Bob gives you the exact blueprint you need to go out and play your best golf. Rotella explains, in simple terms, how the mind works and what you need to focus your mind on to make a round golf of effortless.
I have read this book cover to cover at least half a dozen times. If there is one golf book that you should keep on your nightstand, this is it.
My recommendation would be to read it once all the way through, and then periodically pick it up and just read the specific chapter that you might need.
Book #2: Golf Flow

If Golf Is Not A Game of Perfect is 1a, then Golf Flow is 1b. If you have room for a couple of books on your night stand, then I would suggest making sure this book is on it as well.
In this book Gio Valiante dives deeply into the world of peak performance. Specially, he talks about the strategies that the best golfers in the world use to generate FLOW STATES. Or what is better knows as, THE ZONE.
In the first half of Golf Flow, Gio defines what FLOW is and describes the characteristics of a FLOW STATE. To do this, Gio provides detailed explanations from PGA Tour players on what it feels like when they are in FLOW and firing on all cylinders. I found the explanations in the first half of this book to be fascinating.
Once he has defined what FLOW is, Gio then gives you the tools necessary to unlock FLOW in your own golf game. He does by sharing some stories from players on the PGA Tour that he helped find FLOW in their golf games.
This book is fascinating read for anyone interested in what happens to perform at your highest level.
I found this book extremely helpful in helping me to shape my overall mindset towards golf and I think it would be helpful for your game as well.
Enough to Get You Started
The two books I have shared today are the two golf books that I reference the most when I am looking for some help with my golf game. It has often been said that sports are 90% mental. If you are looking to take your mental game to the next level, then I highly recommend starting with Golf Is Not A Game of Perfect and Golf Flow.
I hope you enjoyed the first installment of The Chasing Birdies Book Club.
Until next time,
Enjoy the chase!
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