Welcome to Chasing Birdies

Welcome to the first ever post on the Chasing Birdies blog. I am excited you have taken a chance and visited my page. I hope you like what you see and read. In this first post, I want to set the table for what to expect out of this blog. I will attempt to lay out why I am blogging, what I want to cover, who I want to connect with, and my vision for where the blog could go from here. I am excited to get this thing started, so without further delay, let’s dive in.


It goes without saying that I created this blog, because I absolutely love the game of golf. I am one of those sickos that will lay in bed awake to odd hours in the night thinking about my golf game. I have spent many sleepless nights trying to do mental swing surgery on my game after a round that didn’t go my way. Make no mistake. I am a golf junkie. The game is always on my mind.

With the game always on my mind, I thought it would be a cool passion project to share my thoughts in a blog. I have consumed a ton of content, both from formal sources (ESPN, Golf Magazine, Golf Digest, etc.) and less formal sources (Youtubers, Bloggers, and Podcasts) for many years now and I have always had the urge to see if I could switch roles and become the creator. I am excited to see how my skills develop as I try to share my thoughts in a fun and entertaining way.

My first introduction to covering sports was when I was 16 and got my first car. It was then that I discovered AM radio. I listened to “San Diego Sports Leader the Mighty 1090” every second that I was in my car. I became a huge fan of Scott and BR and the Darren Smith show. No matter the sport, or the subject matter, the boys on 1090 always had me locked in. Listening to 1090 every day for years eventually led me to the Dan Patrick Show. If I could have one job in the world outside of playing a sport professionally, (more on that later), I would love to be a Danette. The boys deliver 3 hours of gold every single morning. I know they don’t have the Emmy’s to show it, but DP and the boys are the best show going. This my version of living out my dream job.


On this blog, I hope to cover anything and everything that has to do with golf and occasionally other sports as well. Similar to most other avid golf fans, I watch a ton of PGA Tour golf. To that end, many of my posts on this page will revolve around the action on the PGA Tour week to week. I would like to do a weekly Draft Kings blog where I offer picks and a little insight into who I think has a good chance of being in contention that week. I will also cover anything that I found interesting from that week in golf.   

I also plan to dedicate some time reviewing new equipment launches. Having played the game for 10 years now, I have tried countless drivers, putters, wedges, and iron sets. I also was a prototype product tester for Taylormade for a number of years. Based on my experience in the game, I believe I am well versed in the golf equipment space and I would love to pass on my thoughts for people looking to pick up some new equipment.

As I mentioned earlier, I would have loved to been good enough to play this game professionally. However, that dream never materialized. However, I have played in a number of Amateur qualifying events and I remain in tune with that piece of the golfing landscape. I envision posting several blogs on the world of amateur golf. If you have never tuned in to the US Amateur or NCAA Championship coverage, you are severally missing out. If I get just one person to start watching the Amateur game, I feel like I will have been successfully. Remember, the next Tiger Woods, has to start somewhere.  

I am also hoping to do some golf course, golf resort, and golf travel reviews on this blog. There are so many great golf courses and golf vacations out there for people to experience that it can be difficult to decide which one to try first or do next. I am very fortunate that I have had the opportunity to visit some of these great places and I plan to make more trips in the future. I would love to share my experience with anyone interested in booking one of those trips for themselves, in hopes that my review helps them to narrow down the options. 

As I said, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that has to do with golf, I plan to cover it.

While most of the content on this page will focus on golf, I am very interested in the other major sports as well. On a nightly basis, I consume at least one sporting event and in most cases multiple sporting events. You will definitely see a few posts on my page that focus on other sports.


There is no prejudice here. Come on in, the waters warm.


This is a complete passion project. I love the game of golf and I want to share my thoughts on the game through this blog. I hope that this blog will adapt and grow over time. I started with a blog, because I think it has the lowest barriers to entry and I think blogging is the best way to produce the most content and connect with the most people. I really am someone that focuses more on the short term than the long term. Right now, this blog is something I am just looking to explore. I want to see if enjoy putting content out there and I want to see if people take a liking to the content I am providing. I really don’t know where this will go, but I am excited to get started.

However, to quote one of my favorite movies, I hope to take over the golf world by “Land, Sea, and Air”. This is the Land phase and I am glad you are here for it. If things progress how I hope they will, I plan to expand on this blog and deliver content across multiple sports and multiple different mediums. With a little bit of success blogging I would love to create a podcast (Sea) and a youtube channel (Air). I love the podcast space and I think that would be a great medium to expand too. Having a podcast would allow me to share some real time or close to real time opinions. The youtube channel would allow me to bring you along on some of my golfing adventures. There are endless possibilities and I hope to explore several of them over time.


In all sincerity, I appreciate you taking the time to visit my page. This is the first post of many and I am excited to see where things go from here. As I start to populate this space with my thoughts, I hope you find them interesting and entertaining. Golf is a very challenging game, but no matter what your is handicap, you can create some great memories on the golf course that have nothing to do with how you played. Celebrate the birdies and forget the bogies. If the game gets too frustrating, take two weeks off and buy a bowling ball.

I hope this first post has given you a little taste of what’s to come on my site. I appreciate you joining me on this journey. I hope you enjoy what you see.

Enjoy the Chase!